
Saturday, March 26, 2011


There is a certain debate in some circles about whether naturists/nudists are exhibitionists. I would say that an exhibitionist is probably wasting his or her time at a nudist recreation area since everyone there has seen it all before. However, this is perhaps too simplistic as the wide spectrum of human behaviour must allow for differences.

The definition of exhibitionism itself is problematic given the different meanings it may have in different contexts. For the sake of argument, I will assume that exhibitionism, in the nudist sense, does not mean “a mental condition characterised by the compulsion to display one’s genitals in public” (Canadian Oxford Dictionary). And I don’t think it has anything to do with trying to draw attention to a political or social issue, as can also be the case. (Remember the Doukhobors?) No, in this context, it probably means “displaying one’s self in an effort to draw attention to one’s self.” This may or may not have a sexual purpose, although the general thought is it probably does.

Most nudists go naked for the pure pleasure of being naked. In naked company, whether or not anyone is interested in watching someone’s body is irrelevant because that’s not why they become naked. However, a few people undoubtedly do seek the attention of others and may even wish to provoke a reaction, anything from a smile to an erection and everything in between. The aforementioned dictionary adds the following definition: tendency towards display or extravagant behaviour. In a nudist setting extravagant behaviour is likely to get you thrown out, unless, of course, your definition of extravagant is different from mine.

The debate among nudists themselves (or at least those who say they are nudists) about whether we are exhibitionists all boils down to what we see as exhibitionism. “Exposing one’s self for the thrill of being seen” would seem to be, in my opinion, antithetical. Then again, there are always people who like to strut their stuff, so to speak. Just posting pictures on the net may qualify in some circumstances. Comments from viewers are the reward in this case. On a beach, it may be noticing that a man watches the exhibitionist woman and becomes erect. The woman walks on by and the man has to either roll over or hide it with a towel. And that’s what the exhibitionist would want.

However, to say that nudists in general are exhibitionists is to assume that people at a nude beach are looking for reactions. I’m sure some do. The majority, however, are at the beach to relax. They just happen to be doing so without any clothes on. Indeed, with so many naked bodies all around, one has to wonder whether the exhibitionist would even like a nude beach. How does he or she remain the centre of attention in such circumstances?

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