
Monday, October 18, 2010

Random Thoughts

Last time I wrote about the post-Ning situation, Skinbook (the original) had bitten the dust while Free Range Naturists (FRN) and Bare Friends International (BFI) had struck out on their own. Now it would appear that BFI is no more as well.

For the past few weeks a message saying they are temporarily down and will be back soon has been permanently (or so it seems) set on their site, as minutes turned into hours, hours into days and days into weeks. If anything was being done to bring it back, there was no indication of this, not even a general email explaining what is going on. Now, there is another site there, one which is affiliated with

Have the creators given up? Or is there a technical problem that has forced the creators to go back to the drawing board?

Inquiring minds want to know.

- - -
Many people have trouble telling the difference between swinging and naturism despite there being a clear distinction between the two. In Quebec, the Fédération québécoise de naturisme has published a statement on the matter. It can be read in the original French at Here is my translation:

"Notice to Internet Users: FQN position concerning swinging and the misleading use of the term "naturism"

"The aims of true naturism are to restore the body to its rightful place and the discovery of the pleasures of living in harmony with nature, without the clichés or fantasies (with which it is often associated). Naturism, of which nudity is but one component, is a life philosophy based on tolerance, respect for one’s self, others and the environment. Naturism is not a sexual activity in any way, shape or form.

"Although the Fédération québécoise de naturisme (Federation) expresses no opinion or judgment regarding the practice of swinging, nor any other sexual activity between consenting adults, the Federation hereby wishes to inform the public that all references to the Federation, including the use of its name or logo, linking to its website or mentioning of the Federation in any other activity or publication, by any person, association or company dedicated to swinging or similar activities, which may suggest that the Federation encourages, approves or otherwise gives its consent to such activities, is strictly prohibited. We reject any information or advertising promoting such activity which would be contrary to the mission of the Federation or to its philosophy, and any such information should not be considered valid."

While not all naturist sites have a statement of this type, they usually have other information clearly indicating that naturism is one thing and swinging is another, and that neither need include the other. Indeed, many swingers aren’t interested in nude recreation that doesn’t include sex. And some naturists eschew any type of sex that would not be condoned by the local parish priest.

Naturism and swinging are NOT the same.

But swingers can be interested in naturism and can be role models to more “vanilla” people who could unintentionally misbehave due to honestly held misconceptions about naturism.

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