
Monday, August 16, 2010


This year’s Tintamarre in Fredericton wound up being a little more interesting than previous years. Yes, Anglo Society people were there to be seen at least, if not heard. But so were others who seemed to want to have at least as good a time as the Acadians. Here are a few photos I took:
Just in case you can't make them out: "Eastern cougars DO exist," "Diamond Shreddies are just regular Shreddies," "Kittens R Cute," "Puppies R Cuter," an Anglo sign, "This is a sign" and "Is City Hall run by lizard people?"
For those of you can’t make out the sign, it says “I’m not with Crazy→.”
How can an Anglo Society member make a serious point when he has on either side a Diamond Shreddies protester and a believer in the famous Eastern cougar?
J'aime ma pancarte! (I love my placard!)

UPDATE: For different view, go here.

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