
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Crack Epidemic

Okay, I’ve just got to get this off my chest.
I have no objection to full nudity, especially at a beach or any other appropriate recreational locale. But I also believe that if we MUST wear clothes, let’s at least do it properly, that is, make sure the clothing covers everything it’s intended to cover. For this reason, I am more than a little confused regarding the trend among textiles these days to show one’s posterior as a fashion statement.

I remember when young girls began imitating celebrities who would wear their jeans so low they just covered the top of the ass crack, just barely. A great many people who do this in everyday life will actually expose their cracks for all to see. In some cases, they may be victims of poor fitting clothes and will do their utmost to lift their pants up at the earliest opportunity or at least wear underwear or a long shirt that will cover what the pants will not. In other cases, though, there is no such attempt. A woman (usually) who has crouched to pick up something on the floor will expose her crack, then stand and make no effort to adjust her clothing.

In one case, I was at the rear of a large room during a public meeting. There was a large corridor of space between my spot and the last row of seats for the attendees. The chairs used had space between the backrest and the seat per se, so one could see a seated person’s back. One woman, after having stood to speak at the microphone, then returned to her seat. As she sat, the pants “slipped” down and revealed almost her entire bottom. And this happened twice! It’s possible she sat in the last row to avoid showing this to too many people, but it happened nevertheless.

In another case, while waiting at a doctor’s clinic, a woman seated on a bench was leaning to one side and had raised her knees to her chest while speaking to someone. Anyone behind her could easily see the upper part of her butt, and quite a bit of it, too. I find it hard to believe she wasn’t aware of this.

Now, I would understand if these women were wearing heavy tool belts, like plumbers and carpenters do. But they weren’t. And I’ve seen a few men start wearing their pants low at the waist, too.

Like I say, there is a time and place for FULL nudity, and I will welcome a time when we can see that happen more often at a greater number of places in North America. But this idea of wearing pants while not quite wearing them is one I just can’t get my head around. I mean, if we must be dressed, shouldn’t we at least wear our clothes properly?

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