
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Personal labels

I’m a teetotaller!

What can you learn when you join a nudist social and networking site? Well, I learned I was a teetotaller. I had no idea what that meant, and despite my usually great interest in words and their meanings, I never bothered looking that one up until recently. It turns out it means one who abstains totally from alcohol. And the group on this site would include abstaining from smoking as well.

So, I’m a teetotaller!

When it comes to alcohol, when I was in Grade 2, my mother agreed to let me taste a VERY SMALL QUANTITY of wine, just to know how it tasted. I HATED IT! And I’ve avoided it ever since.

As for smoking, I was more or less brought up with black and white TV and I remember the health ads of the day. My favourite was a cartoon in which a man had set up dynamite and unrolled the wick at a fair distance. He then lit it and put out the match before putting in some ear plugs and taking cover.

At some point he decided he needed a smoke, so he put a cigarette in his mouth and searched for his box of matches. He suddenly realised he had use his last match to light the wick. BUT HE NEEDED A SMOKE! So he started running on all fours, caught up to the quickly disappearing wick and tried to light the cigarette which was still in his mouth. Unfortunately, he ran right into the dynamite, which exploded at that point, leaving nothing but a huge hole in the ground.

The moral of the story: Some people will do ANYTHING for a cigarette!

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